3月26日消息,金融科技公司Revolut已推出独立的加密交易应用平台Revolut X,旨在与主要交易所竞争,并计划将业务从欧洲扩展到美国市场。
据官方页面信息,Binance 首批投票上币还有 12 小时结束(计划结束时间为 UTC 时间 3 月 26 日 16:59),截止发稿,BANANAS31 以 20.4% 的得票率排名第一,SIREN 以 16.6% 的得票率排名第二。 Broccoli(CZ's Dog)、WHY、mubarak 分列 3 至 5 位。
Artificial intelligence and meta-universe company Infinite Reality announced the acquisition of the old music platform Napster for $207 million, planning to transform it into a music meta-universe platform. Napster CEO Jon Vlassopulos will stay on, which he says will drive the music experience from "mobile social" to "three-dimensional immersion". Napster, which issued platform tokens on the Algorand blockchain in 2022, this acquisition marks a further transformation into the Web3 space.
人工智能与元宇宙公司Infinite Reality宣布以2.07亿美元收购老牌音乐平台Napster,计划将其转型为音乐元宇宙平台。 Napster CEO Jon Vlassopulos将继续留任,他表示这将推动音乐体验从"移动社交"迈向"三维沉浸"时代。Napster曾于2022年在Algorand区块链发行平台代币,此次收购标志着其向Web3领域的进一步转型。
Naked eye 3D and blockchain technology platform Pixel Powered Ledger (hereinafter referred to as "PPL") announced a strategic cooperation worth 2.40 million US dollars with DePIN X, a decentralized physical infrastructure (DePIN) field institution. This cooperation will accelerate PPL's layout in naked eye 3D technology and decentralized ecosystem, and further promote the global application of its EG3D content network and Soaring Eagle Pad devices.
裸眼 3D 与区块链技术平台 Pixel Powered Ledger(以下简称“PPL”)宣布与去中心化物理基础设施(DePIN)领域机构 DePIN X 达成一项价值 240 万美元的战略合作。此次合作将加速 PPL 在裸眼 3D 技术及去中心化生态系统的布局,进一步推动其 EG3D 内容网络与 Soaring Eagle Pad 设备的全球化应用。
According to Whale Alert monitoring, on-chain data shows that at 3:43, 3:57 and 4:28 am Beijing time today, USDC issuer USDC Treasury minted 100,000,000 USDC on Ethereum respectively, and a total of three new minted USDC worth about 300 million US dollars.
据Whale Alert监测,链上数据显示,北京时间今日凌晨3:43、3:57和4:28,USDC发行方USDC Treasury分别在以太坊上新铸造100,000,000枚USDC,三次共新铸造价值约3亿美元的USDC。
On March 26th, according to CoinDesk, citing rwa.xyz data, the market value of tokenized US Treasury bonds exceeded $5 billion for the first time, increasing by $1 billion in just two weeks, mainly from the BUIDL products issued by BlackRock and Securitize. Fidelity is applying to launch a tokenized money market fund on Ethereum, claiming that RWA can improve capital efficiency and be used to meet margin requirements.
Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda: Japan's economy is likely to continue to grow above potential, underlying inflation is expected to gradually accelerate, and interest rates are expected to continue to rise if the economy and prices move in line with our forecasts in our quarterly outlook report. (Jin Ten)
据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间上午7:04左右,USDC Treasury于以太坊链新增铸造6500万枚USDC。
The AI-Powered Aardvark Weather project aims to transform weather forecasting for a fraction of the cost of traditional models.
According to foreign media reports, Republican (House and Senate) leaders said they are close to agreeing on a plan to extend Trump's 2017 tax cuts and raise the debt ceiling, with Congress hoping to approve an economic package by the end of May. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is about...
Henry Allen, an analyst at Deutsche Bank Research, said in a note that a further sharp steepening of the US Treasury yield curve is entirely possible. This steepening - that is, the widening gap between short- and long-term yields - could be due to a fall in short-term yields or a rise in long-term yields. The macro strategist said the Fed still plans to cut interest rates further, with its dot-plot forecast showing another cut this year...